Window Treatments

Laura Ashley Summer Palace Curtains
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Laura Ashley Summer Palace Curtains

You can buy sheer curtains printed with Laura Ashley’s classic Chinoiserie blue and white Summer Palace print on Amazon for less than you would ever expect. Laura Ashley Summer Palace Sheer Window Curtains on Amazon They come as a set of two panels, each 38” wide and 84” or 96” long. They have a 1.5″…

My Favorite Book on Making Curtains and Blinds

My Favorite Book on Making Curtains and Blinds

If you want to sew your own curtains, modify store-bought curtains, make window blinds or valances, or really any window treatment at all, this book will tell you how. The instructions are clear, step-by-step, logical and very well illustrated. The Complete Book of Curtains and Drapes by Lady Caroline Wrey on Amazon Curtains are one…

Saffron Marigold Hand Printed Blue and White Curtains, Bedding and Table Linens
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Saffron Marigold Hand Printed Blue and White Curtains, Bedding and Table Linens

Saffron Marigold is an Indian company that makes textiles and home furnishings. They sell direct on Amazon. Their hand block printed textiles are available in a lot of colors and patterns. None, of course, are Blue Willow, but the colors coordinate and blend. And when you buy from them “You are helping build a fair…

Lush Decor French Country Toile
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Lush Decor French Country Toile

Cotton toile is a wonderful look that mixes with so many styles. The old fashioned print is traditional and adds a cottage feel. Lush Decor makes mix and match reversible toile bedding, window treatments and a shower curtain. The French Country Toile pattern that Lush Decor uses looks like a scene from an old village….

Kali Blue and White Bath Collection from Saturday Night Ltd.
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Kali Blue and White Bath Collection from Saturday Night Ltd.

The Blue and White Kali Collection from Saturday Night Ltd. has window treatments, small rugs, shower curtains and hooks, towels and other bath items all in shades of blue with coordinating items in grey. Kali Blue and White Bath Collection from Saturday Night Ltd. on Amazon Kali Blue and White or Grey and White Home…