Grace Teaware Reverse Blue Willow China

Grace Teaware makes a version of Blue Willow with the colors reversed, white on cobalt blue instead of cobalt blue on white.

I really like it! It makes a nice contrast!

The Blue Willow Design Teapot holds 32 ounces or 4 8 ounce cups. It is made of bone china, but is dishwasher and microwave safe.
Grace Teaware Blue Willow Bone China on Amazon

The mugs come in both the reverse blue willow and the more traditional blue on white. I really like the border Grace Teaware has at the top of each mug. And I love the curve of the handle.

The mugs hold 10 ounces. They are 3.375″ wide and 3.125″ high. They are also made of bone china, and dishwasher and microwave safe.

The sugar bowl and cream pitcher have the more traditional cobalt blue on white background. They handles have a beautiful high loop and the border I like so much on the mugs with the blue background.

The Victorian Tea Shoppe used to bring little sandwiches, tarts and petit fours on small rectangular plates just like this. This one is 9.75″ x 5″. An ideal size for a dainty tea.

If you can find them, there are desert plates.

They are 7.5″ wide. Like the rest of the pieces, they are safe to wash in the dishwasher or microwave.

Grace Teaware has the smaller teacups, too. I have only seen them in the traditional blue on white. They hold 9 ounces.

The teacups have the same Blue Willow scene I have on my Churchhill cups. But the birds are in the pattern twice. On this side they are flying away together.

This side has the birds facing each other, closer to what is on my other china. They are also made of bone china, and dishwasher and microwave safe.
But, I LOVE the saucers! They have the same dark blue and detail as the top of the sugar bowl and cream pitcher.

Cup, Saucer and Teapot with Lid
And isn’t this adorable? It is a little teapot that nests inside a teacup on a saucer.
The teapot holds enough tea to fill the 10 ounce cup twice.

Cup, Saucer and Teapot with Lid
The bottom of the teapot is stable, to set it on the table after you fill the cup.
The saucer is 6″ wide.
I have also seen something called Stechcol Gracie Blue Willow. So, if you are searching, throw that variation into the search.
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